Food and Feelings
The next six week course via Zoom starts this Summer. Relationship with food commences at birth and very quickly patterns and messages are established by care givers which are overtly and covertly communicated. We rarely realise how profoundly these messages impact our food choices. Many people struggle to maintain a healthy weight and use food as a means of managing feelings, often without realising the full extent of this.
The majority of our thoughts and habitual behaviours are out of conscious awareness. By exploring these habits and deeply ingrained patterns, we can bring them to awareness and choose to change them, accept them, or let them go. Realising the nature of these patterns is important. It impacts you, your children and any children you have influence over.
If this resonates, please get in touch for information and bookings. Each live 90 minute session is followed up with notes and focus points for the week ahead.
The course is limited to a maximum of 8.
The investment is £95. Some reduced rate places are available, please ask on application.

Salt of the Earth Fundraiser
Saturday 16th November 2024 10.00 – 4.00 GMT.
This feel good annual event is one of the main fundraisers throughout the year. Held at Christchurch in Clarendon Park Leicester with 25 local business stalls. It’s perfect for finding not on the high street gifts and making meaningful connections.
Leave time for lunch in the Pop Up Cafe serving delicious home made soups, cakes, tray bakes and drinks. For information about the work of this inspirational Leicester based charity, working with rural communities in Tamil Nadu South India go to: www.sote.org.uk
Save the date, we look forward to seeing you there.

Salt of the Earth fundraising bash!
Heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported this event in any way – we had the best time! Collective proceeds from the party and the sale are almost £5,000 which makes a world of difference in South India. The Platforms are the UK’s premier Glam Rock experience – follow them on Facebook for information about upcoming gigs. Thanks also to Toby Savage, our professional photographer, who made this brilliant short film and took some great stills. Follow him on Facebook and Instagram @TobySavage.